Better care and still able to save costs?

Skincair is an innovative, multifunctional medical fitted bed sheet that greatly reduces the care dependency of residents, because they become much more mobile and active in bed, during transfers, when lying down, during care handling, etc. By improving the mobility, the lower friction in bed and Skincair’s higher breathability and ventilation capacity also contribute to reducing skin problems and prevention of pressure ulcers. In a number of cases, existing materials can be partly replaced, such as sliding sheets, air mattresses, bandages and other materials. Skincair is on average suitable for approximately 25% of residents in a nursing home environment.

Skincair directly delivers the following benefits:

  • residents become much more self-reliant in bed (70% higher self-reliance in bed, ability to turn again due to low friction on top surface)
  • the skin condition is greatly improved (much less chance of developing pressure ulcers due to low friction and improved ventilation and microclimate near the skin)
  • the physical working load on healthcare staff is much less, care handling at bedside gets significantly lighter   (more able to turn residents themselves, many transfer and care activities at bedside with 1 instead of 2 care providers)
  • reduction of material costs by at least 10-25% (less use of air mattresses and bandages, less consumption of incontinence materials, replacement of standard bed sheet and partly sliding sheet)

So what does it bring you?

  • Due to the fact that the client can partly turn again himself, savings can be made on the care time and efforts.
  • Due to the built-in transfer function, in many cases there is only one care provider needed instead of two.
  • Less physical effort for healthcare providers (take care of the caregiver).
  • Less use of standard bed and incontinence materials, air mattresses, sliding sheets and bandages
  • Less frequent changes than when using cotton sheets.
  • More self-reliance and movement options for the less mobile clients
  • Doordat de cliënt deels zelf weer kan draaien, kan er bespaard worden op de
    zorgtijd en –inzet.
  • Door de ingebouwde transferfunctie is er in veel gevallen nog maar één
    zorgmedewerker nodig in plaats van twee.
  • Minder fysieke inspanning voor zorgmedewerkers (zorg voor de zorgende).
  • Minder inzet van standaard bed en INCO materialen, luchtmatrassen,
    glijzeilen en verbandmiddelen
  • Minder vaak verschoning nodig dan bij gebruik van katoenen lakens.
  • Meer zelfredzaamheid en bewegingsmogelijkheden voor minder mobiele

Do you have any questions regarding our business case? We can assess and calculate what savings we can realize for you with the use of Skincair.

Investments versus costs savings Skincair 3D medical fitted sheet:

Skincair replaces standard sheets and medical aids and devices on bed and saves care time

Hard business case aspects:

  • lower material costs:
  • less use of static and alternating air mattresses (average 30-50%)
  • less consumption of (heel and buttocks/pelvic region) bandages, ointments
  • replacement of traditional bed materials
  • less use of INCO materials and sliding sheets

Soft business case aspects:

  • Less care time, more comfort, less strain:
  • More mobility comfort: keep residents longer mobile
  • More sleeping comfort: better night’s rest and relaxed in the morning
  • Improved skin condition
  • More nursing comfort (less heavy, less absenteeism)
  • Less nursing time (transfers, dressing, changing inco material, monitoring and healing of pressure ulcers)
  • Less load on healthcare employees and absenteeism